Indie Music Artists Digital Marketing Service

Our Services

Search Engine SEO

We boost your profile to all major search engines using our own secret sauce. SEO is the techniques used by the specialist digital marketing companies to get your content to the top of search engines.  With 14 years experience doing SEO, our team look forward to giving you a good ranking for your own website.  Try our indie music artist digital marketing engine.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a very important part of promoting your music and also your profile as well as a tool to increase the number of followers.

Although artists usually manage the social themselves as a way to get on the pulse especially of fan reactions, trends we suppliment your social media by boosting on our own accounts and profile to amplify it all.

Our Social Media Boosting service is included in all of our subscriptions.

Press Releases and Media Articles

Our press release distribution services are an excellent way to your reach your target audience. We distribute to local, regional, national, and international media with our own partners and tools.

Its crucial to use any type of megaphone to get your detail out there on the website and announcing tours, new release and regular updates through press releases is a professional approach to get it out there.